Ian MarkellThe View From My Window, printed circa 2011, 2016Hot rolled steel, Grip Strut Walkway, enamel paint, stainless steel aircraft cable, various hardware32 x 130 x 54 ins
81.28 x 330.2 x 137.16 cm -
Ellen SchaferFast Fashion (how I learned to be in a body variables x, y and z), 2016Aluminum70 x 36 x 10 ins
177.8 x 91.44 x 25.4 cm -
Jala WahidI am a charm (Edition of 3 + 2 APs), 2015Single channel video, soundRunning time: 5 minutes
Brian KhekGypsum Battery with Clearance, 2016Quail eggs, drywall, aluminum studs16 x 32 x 3 2/8 ins
40.64 x 81.28 x 8.26 cm -
Hans Jacob SchmidtHomily on CIL XIII 7514, 2016Resin, Sand, Wood50 1/2 x 10 x 8 ins
128.27 x 25.4 x 20.32 cm -
Brian KhekGypsum Battery with Clearance, 2016Duck eggs, drywall, aluminum studs16 x 32 x 3 2/8 ins
40.64 x 81.28 x 8.26 cm -
Hans Jacob Schmidt20, A Lesser SovereignResin, Sand, Wood24 x 24 x 6 ins
60.96 x 60.96 x 15.24 cm -
Hans Jacob Schmidt21 or 24, A Lesser Sovereign, 2016Resin, Sand, Wood65 x 12 x 12 ins
165.1 x 30.48 x 30.48 cm -
Hannah BlackBodybuilding (Edition 3 of 3 + 2AP), 2015Digital Video8 minutes 10 seconds
Brian KhekGypsum Battery with Clearance, 2016Chicken eggs, drywall, aluminum studs16 x 48 x 4 1/2 ins
40.64 x 121.92 x 11.43 cm -
Ellen SchaferFast Fashion (how I learned to be in a body variables y, z and x), 2016Aluminum, urethane, pigment40 x 29 x 28 ins
101.6 x 73.66 x 71.12 cm -
Ellen SchaferFast Fashion (how I learned to be in a body variables z, x and y) I, 2016Urethane, silicone, hand sanitizer, mounting hardware2 x 11 5/8 x 10 2/8 ins
5.08 x 29.84 x 26.04 cm -
Hannah Quinlan and Rosie HastingsIf These Fossils Could Talk They Would Tell You Who Got Fucked and Who Didn’t, 2015Looped HD Video with Sound3 min 50 sec