Amir NikravanSuppressant, 2018Acrylic on canvas over plaster and wood42 x 31 1/2 x 6 ins
106.68 x 80.01 x 15.24 cm -
Amir NikravanStimulant (History of Agitation), 2018Acrylic on canvas over plaster and wood40h x 48w x 11d in
16.5h x 48w x 23.5d in (pedestal)
101.6 x 121.92 x 27.94 cm -
Amir NikravanInterference Flow, 2018Acrylic on canvas over plaster and wood33 x 45 x 6 ins
83.82 x 114.3 x 15.24 cm -
Amir NikravanConversation Table, 2018Acrylic on canvas over plaster and wood50h x 30w x 6d in
24.5h x 36.5w x 12d in (pedestal)
127.0 x 76.2 x 15.24 cm -
Amir NikravanCocktail (Purple), 2018Acrylic on canvas over plaster and wood50 x 30 x 6 ins
127 x 76.2 x 15.24 cm -
Amir NikravanReverse Osmosis, 2018Acrylic on canvas over plaster and wood50 x 40 x 6 ins
127 x 101.6 x 15.24 cm -
Amir NikravanBlockage, 2018Acrylic on canvas over plaster and wood45h x 48w x 6d in
24.5h x 48.5w x 12d in (pedestal)
114.3 x 121.92 x 15.24 cm -
Amir NikravanCocktail (Yellow), 2018Acrylic on canvas over plaster and wood40 x 30 x 6 ins
101.6 x 76.2 x 15.24 cm -
Amir NikravanInversion Therapy, 2018Acrylic on canvas over plaster and wood30h x 60.5w x 6d in
30.5h x 64.5w x 12d in (pedestal)
76.2 x 153.67 x 15.24 cm -
Amir NikravanExtended Action, 2018Acrylic on canvas over plaster and wood30h x 41.5w x 6d in
12.5h x 30.5w x 12d in (wall pedestal)
76.2 x 105.41 x 15.24 cm
Amir Nikravan: World of Interiors
PAST exhibition