Christopher Kulendran ThomasNE_LB_09, 2017in collaboration with Annika KuhlmannDesign: Manuel Bürger, Simon SchindelePhotography: Joseph Kadow, 2017Backlit tension display, aluminum frame59 x 88 1/2 ins
149.86 x 224.79 cm -
Katja NovitskovaApproximation (C. Elegans DendriteEndings: ASR, ADF, ASG, ASH), 2016Digital print on aluminum, cutout display, and plexiglass99 1/8 x 68 1/2 x 26 1/8 ins
252.09 x 173.99 x 66.67 cm -
DISImage Life (Ada), 2017C-print in artist frame48 2/8 x 64 1/8 ins
122.87 x 162.88 cm -
DISImage Life, 2016Framed C-print and Winbot W83064 1/8 x 48 2/8 ins
162.88 x 122.87 cm -
DISSerenity Now, 2016C-print in artist frame and Winbot W83063 x 48 4/8 ins
160.02 x 123.39 cm -
Katja NovitskovaMamaroo (Storm Time 3D Embryo), 2016Electronic baby swing, polyurethane resin, epoxy foam clay, wall fixtures, robotic bugs, and 3D print31 x 28 x 33 ins
78.74 x 71.12 x 83.82 cm -
Christopher Kulendran ThomasNew Eelam, 2018Aluminum, plywood, steel, silicone, latex, water, pump, clay, grow lights, various plants0 ins
0 cm